Web Services
LogicalDOC can be used as middleware and can be integrated with other system by the use of the built-in Web Service.
The Web Service module is part of the LogicalDOC core distribution and is compliant with W3C specifications SOAP and MTOM. Using SOAP over HTTP allows for easier communication through proxies and firewalls than previous remote execution technology. MTOM is a method of efficiently sending binary data to and from web services; it allows more efficient sending of binary data in a SOAP request or response.
The layer of Web-Service of LogicalDOC is implemented using the framework Apache CXF (AKA XFire 2) version 2.2.x.
CXF implements the JAX-WS specifications, this makes the Web-Services of LogicalDOC extremely compatibles and adhering to the W3C's SOAP and MTOM standards.
Also allows to enable/disable the MTOM features, reducing lines of code needed to implement and deliver the web-services functionalities and increasing the maintainability of the program.
The LogicalDOC Web Services are divided in a number of specialized services, each one dedicated to a specific topic.
Web Services Reference
The complete Web-Service Reference is available on this wiki.
Web Services Bindings and Samples
The easiest way to interface with LogicalDOC's API's is by using one of our bindings and samples.