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The options for a Fulltext search.

Property Type Nullable Comment
expressionLanguage String no the language of the search expression
sizeMin long yes the minimum size in bytes of the searched document
sizeMax long yes the maximum size in bytes of the searched document
folderId long yes the identifier of the folder of the searched document
searchInSubPath boolean yes if true, the documents will be searched also into the subfolders of the folder with the given 'folderId'
fields String[] yes the fields of the documents in which will be searched the search expression. The fields can be: "content", "tags", "title", "customId", "source", "coverage", "sourceAuthor", "type"
language String yes the language of the searched document
dateFrom Date yes the minimum date in which the searched document was inserted into the application
dateTo Date yes the maximum date in which the searched document was inserted into the application
sourceDateFrom Date yes the minimum source date of the searched document
sourceDateTo Date yes the maximum source date of the searched document
creationFrom Date yes the minimum creation date of the searched document
creationTo Date yes the maximum creation date of the searched document
template long yes the identifier of the template of the searched document
depth int no depth level when searh in folder
caseSensitive int yes Must be 0
retrieveAliases int yes Must be 1